Thursday, December 26, 2013

Holiday Spirit 2013

I had a lovely chat with Debby Richman from Tumbleweed Tiny House Company today.  Great things are happening in the world of tiny houses!  Let's hope 2014 is a banner year.  Anyway, we talked about blogs and I was reminded that I haven't posted in quite a while. So, I'm posting some pictures in the spirit of the season!
I did not want to move any of my wall art for my Christmas tree wall hanging, so up to the ceiling it went and I think it looks pretty cute there!

The cute little stuffed kitty peeking out was a gift from little buddy, JP in Brookings.  Love ya, Bud
I think my tiny house is at it's best during the holidays.  People often tell me that it looks like a house in one of those miniature Christmas villages.  I don't get as much traffic here in the mobile home park, but we still believe in dressing things up!

Merry Christmas and a Blessed, Prosperous New Year to you and yours!

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